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God invites us to boldly come before His throne of grace and mercy (Hebrews 4:16) and He promises to help us and to work in us to do more than we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). We must set our hearts to be a people of prayer. “Pray First.” must become our mindset and the cry of our hearts. In every situation, whether good or bad, we must strive to pray before we act. Prayer should be our first response, not our last resort.


Understanding the necessity of prayer is not enough. In order for it to become a part of our life, it needs to become something we look forward to doing. When you discover the beauty of daily conversation with God, you’ll experience the presence of God that will change your life.


Before the day begins...Before you go to bed...before you go to work or school...before you send that text...before you eat, drive or travel...when bad things happen...before bad things happen...in every situation...PRAY FIRST. Prayer changes everything!


Jesus said; ’My house will be called a house of prayer,’ [Matthew 21:13]. Prayer must be our first response - as a church and as individuals.


Our Pray First Gatherings include worship, teaching, prayer, and response. We worship in song, Scripture, and testimony, as we become aware of God's presence and seek to draw near to Him. We share in a brief time of  Scriptural teaching. We pray, individually and together. And we respond to the Lord's call flowing out of prayer. 


Download the Pray First App


Wednesdays 7:00



worship + teaching  + prayer + response


We host prayer walks during the week by meeting in a predetermined location and walking through a portion of our community. We join together and connect with, engage with, and pray with some of our neighbors in our community. 


If you are unable to attend our weekly prayer walks in person, we invite you to go on a "virtual prayer walk. 


Take a Virtual Prayer Walk

We have compiled a written prayer guide to help you in your personal time of  prayer in various areas of life.


Written Prayer Guide