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  • What does it mean to "die every day"?




HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 Corinthians 15:35-58

  • What is the most comforting thing in this passage for you?
  • What is most difficult to understand?



  • Whose death was the toughest for you to experience?

  • What motivates you to push on with the Christian life?

  • What does it mean to bear the likeness of Jesus?

  • What does it mean to live a life of victory?



MESSAGE: Mortal to Immortal [1st Corinthians 15:50-55]


KNOW: I die every day, remembering that death has been destroyed. I die every day, bearing the likeness of Jesus. I die every day, living a life of victory.


APPLY: Are you willing to die every day? Are you willing to live for Jesus every day?


LIVE: Die every day; Die to yourself. Die to your selfish, sinful desires. Die to the evil ways of this world.




  • If you had to write an epitaph for your tombstone, what would you write?




HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 Corinthians 15:12

  • What false teaching is being spread among the Corinthians?


HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 Corinthians 15:12-19, 29-32

  • What problems emerge both for the Corinthians and Paul if there is no resurrection [“if” statements]?


HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 Corinthians 15:20-28

  • What does the idea of the "firstfruits" reveal about the way Christ's resurrection relates to ours?
  • From the "firstfruits analogy of verses, what insights do you see about our future? About Jesus? About eternal life?



  • When did you connect the resurrection of Christ with your own victory over death?
  • What difference has that made to you in terms of hope and courage?
  • What new sense of purpose does this give you?
  • When have you felt that life was futile?
  • How do you go on when those feelings come?
  • What insights or witness have you found helpful in showing unbelieving friends that Christ did rise from the dead?



MESSAGE: Natural to Spiritual [1st Corinthians 15:35-44, 49-50]


KNOW: If you only invest in the here and now, that’s all you’ll have.

  • We must die every day; to ourselves, to our desires, to the world.


APPLY: What are you investing in?

  • The perishable things of this world or the imperishable things of God’s Kingdom?
  • The dishonorable things that must be done in hiding or the glorious things that will be proclaimed for all of eternity?
  • The weakness of what you can accomplish on your own or the powerful things that only God can accomplish?
  • The natural or the spiritual?


LIVE: Invest in the splendor of the spiritual.

  • I die every day, bearing the likeness of Jesus.


  • "If I've told you once, l've told you a thousand times..." Regarding what issue was that true of your parents with you? Of you with your kids?




HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 Corinthians 15:1-2

  • Why does Paul remind them of the gospel?


HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 Corinthians 15:3-8

  • What about Christ is of "first importance"?
  • Why stress Christ's appearances?

  • Does this prove the resurrection? Why or why not?


HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 Corinthians 15:9-11

  •  Why the stress on God's grace?



  • If you had to explain four facts of the gospel to an interested friend, what would you say?

  • How would you counter those who "explain away" the resurrection naturalistically?

  • Where would you be now if not for God's grace?



MESSAGE: Destined to Die [1st Corinthians 15:1-5, 12-13, 20-31]


KNOW: We were destined to die until death was destroyed.


APPLY: I die every day remembering that death has been destroyed.


LIVE: Deny yourself. Take up your cross. Follow Jesus.


PRAY: Jesus, thank You for coming to us as a demonstration of Your love. Thank You for living. Thank You for dying. Thank You for rising again. Thank You for offering us the invitation to life and for destroying death for those who believe and call on You. Teach us, Savior, how to deny ourselves as we follow You. Teach us, Lord, how to die every day. Amen.



  • What was your first paid job?





  • How is Paul asking the church of Thessalonica to pray for him?
  • What encouragements in Paul giving to them in this passage?



  • How might Paul’s earlier letter (see 1 Thess. 5:1-3) been misunderstood and led to some of the idleness they are dealing with?
  • Why might Paul have seen this idleness as a concern (see 1 Thess. 4:11-12)?
  • What example does Paul give them for how they should live?
  • Might you identify as idle, a busy-body, a worrywart, or a workaholic?



  • Why do you think Paul calls attention to his handwriting in this letter?
  • What does Paul emphasize grace and peace? What does this say about God’s will?



  • How would you rate the level of God’s peace that you are experiencing right now?
  • How do you most need God’s love and Christ’s perseverance in your life right now?



Message: Luke 19:28-40


2And when he had said these things, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. When he drew near to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount that is called Olivet, he sent two of the disciples, saying, “Go into the village in front of you, where on entering you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever yet sat. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ you shall say this: ‘The Lord has need of it.’” So those who were sent went away and found it just as he had told them. And as they were untying the colt, its owners said to them, “Why are you untying the colt?” And they said, “The Lord has need of it.” And they brought it to Jesus, and throwing their cloaks on the colt, they set Jesus on it. And as he rode along, they spread their cloaks on the road. As he was drawing near—already on the way down the Mount of Olives—the whole multitude of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” And some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” He answered, I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”



  • Did you have a “rebellious stage” in your life? When was this?





  • How much time was Paul able to spend in Thessalonica (see Acts 17:2)?
  • How might this have affected their willingness to believe rumors about Christ’s return?



  • What information can we gather about the man of lawlessness from this passage?
  • Why do you think God would allow the lawlessness one to deceive people?
  • What are the marks of the coming of the lawless one?



  • How and why will God save His people?
  • What are people to do in response to this passage?



  • What do we need to do today to be morally alert?
  • What encouragement do you draw from verses 13-14?
  • Where do you most need encouragement and strength from God right now?



Message: Matthew 16:21-28


From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”



  • Considering your up-brining, what did your parents do well in raising you?
  • What punishments worked best? What rewards worked best?





  • What is the evidence that they are “worthy” of God’s kingdom?
  • Why is God waiting to punish the persecutors? Who is benefiting from this delay in justice?
  • How do you feel about the punishments listed (verses 8-9)



  • What quality do you think Paul admires most in these Christians?
  • What is the effect of Paul’s thanksgiving and prayer?
  • How would you put Paul’s prayer into your own words?



  • How will you exercise faith and love this week in some specific way or relationship?
  • Which of your current struggles are the effect of your faith in Christ?



MESSAGE: Paul’s Instructions [1 Thessalonians 5:12-24]


APPLY: What is God calling you to do or to change in your life today?


LIVE: How can you better serve within and beyond The Church?


PRAY: God of peace, I invite You to sanctify me through and through. Holy Spirit, teach me and strengthen me to keep my spirit, soul, and body blameless until the coming of the Lord Jesus. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Amen.



  • Where is one of the most beautiful places you have ever been?
  • What impressed you about it?





  • How does John describe what He sees in this vision? 
  • What do you think would be the most amazing part of this?
  • What is the significance of the white robes and palm branches?



  • When the multitude cry out, how do the angels, elders, and four living creatures respond?
  • What does all of this reveal about God, His kingdom, and Jesus’ sacrifice?



  • What qualifies the white-robed multitude to stand before God?
  • What is the role of this white-robed multitude?



  • What is your greatest tribulation or persecution right now?
  • How can you best incorporate this glimpse of heaven into your spiritual and earthly walk?



MESSAGE: New Beginning (Revelation 21:1-7)


KNOW: Your pathway to a new beginning begins and ends with Jesus – who was and is the beginning and the end.


APPLY: Your new beginning with Jesus can begin today.


LIVE: Receive the salvation that only Jesus offers. Testify to the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. Celebrate the eternal future you have.


PRAY: Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb. Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God forever and ever. Amen! [Revelation 7:10, 12]


HAVE SOMEONE READ Revelation 12:7-11

  • What resonated with you from this weekend's message?





  • How are belief, love, obedience, and life interconnected in this section?
  • Using these four key concepts, how would you explain to someone what being a Christian is all about? 


HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 John 2:16, 3:13, and 5:19

  • How is the world described? What resonates with you from these verses?



  • Who's is "the victory" that has overcome the world? What does this mean?


Using the "love test" of verse 1 (to love God is to show love to his children), how are you doing at loving God?


Using the test from verses 2-3 (to love others means to obey God's com-mands), how are you doing at loving others?


What has convinced you that true life is found in Jesus?


What further "proof" do you need? 


What "idols" of the world today tempt you away from steadily following Jesus?


What is one major thing you need to do to better overcome and testify of Jesus?


How do you need God to help you right now?



MESSAGE: Overcame (Revelation 12:7-11, 1 John 5:1-5)


KNOW: Christ is victorious. And, through Him, we are victorious too.


APPLY: We overcome – conquer and prevail – by the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony.


LIVE: Testify to the goodness and grace of Jesus this week.


PRAY: Jesus, with You I am victorious. Grant me to confidence to live as an overcomer and conqueror in You. Jesus, remind me that You have victory over sin and Satan, strengthen me and teach me to turn temptations into triumph and trials into testimonies. Amen.


As a child, what homemade gifts did you give your family? As a parent, which homemade have you revceived?


Did your ever suspect your parents of having "favorites" among your siblings? Why?





  • Since God accepts both animal and grain sacrifices (Lev 6:14-30), why do you think God rejects Cain's sacrifice?
  • Consider and discuss the following responses to the above question;
    • Only a blood sacrifice could cover sin and guilt (Leviticus 4-6)
    • Cain had a bad attitude or lack of faith (Hebrews 11:4; 1Jn 2:9-11)
    • Cain's offering didn't mean anything to him (Isaiah 1:10-20)
    • Cain's offering did not embody social righteousness (see Amos 5:21-24)
  • Where might God be looking on your life with favor? 

    Where might God be looking at your life with disfavor?



  • God tells Cain to "do what is right", what does this passage reveal about anger?
  • How would you assess your anger and the way you handle anger?



  • After the murder of Abel, why do you think God approaches Cain as he does?
  • Are you your "brother's keeper"? How so? How would you assess the level of  "keeping" you do?


HAVE SOMEONE READ Genesis 4:10-12

  • Why do you think God delayed Cain's punishment?


HAVE SOMEONE READ Genesis 4:13-16

  • Why do you think God protected Cain as He did?
  • Why was Cain punished? (a) Wrong sacrifice? (b) Hateful attitude? (c) Murderous act? (d) Failure to master sin? (e) Attempt to cover up sin?
  • Did Cain repent of his sin? How does his confession (vv.13-14) and the Lord's reply (vv.15-16) shed light on this? 


Are there any areas of anger or sin that you need to confess and repent of?

How do you need God to help you right now?



MESSAGE: Anger (Genesis 4:1-9, James 4:17)


KNOW: God is pleased with you.


APPLY: Are you bringing your very best to God? Are you angry? Are you ashamed? Are you your brother’s/sister’s keeper?


LIVE: Submit to God. Resist the devil.


PRAY: Father God, thank You for creating me and loving me. Help me to know the depth of Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy. Holy Spirit, convict me of any sin, confront me in moments of anger, and counsel me in times of shame. Jesus, reveal Your love to me so that I might love others as You have first loved me. Amen.


What food (or type of food) do you find especially tempting? What keeps you from eating an abundance of this food? 




HAVE SOMEONE READ: Genesis 3:1-7

  • Who is this serpent: Real creature? Mythical symbol? Or what? 
  • Which portion of the serpent's statements (1,4,5) are true and which are false?
  • Why do you think the serpent mixes the truth with lies? 
  • How might someone fall prey to the question, "Did God really say...?"
  • Why do you think Adam eats the fruit? Could he have resisted?
  • Do you think Adam is more, or less, responsible than Eve? Why?


HAVE SOMEONE READ: Genesis 3:11-24

  • How do the punishments reflect varying degrees of guilt?
  • Which punishments would have been most difficult for Adam? For Eve? For you?
  • Why would God allow Adam and Eve to fail when tempted? What does this say about God? What does this say about what he wants from us?

From this story, how would you define sin and its consequences?


Where in this story do you find any good news? 



  • Do you want to experience freedom from shame and sin?
  • Do you believe it’s possible to experience freedom?
  • Do you believe this freedom comes through Jesus Christ?
  • What’s keeping you from experiencing freedom?

How can this group help you to experience more freedom from shame and sin?

How do you need God to help you?



MESSAGE: Covering (Genesis 3:21, 1st John 2:1-2, Romans 6:22, 7:21-25, 13:14)


KNOW: A covering for shame and sin is required. But we cannot make or manufacture this covering ourselves. Only one covering for shame and sin is significant and sufficient enough.


APPLY: Do you want to experience freedom from shame and sin? Do you believe it’s possible to experience freedom? Do you believe this freedom comes through Jesus Christ? What’s keeping you from experiencing freedom?


LIVE: Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.


PRAY: Jesus, I belong to You. Cover me now. Cover my shame. Cover my sin. Jesus, I acknowledge You as the only sufficient – full and complete – sacrifice that leads to salvation. Jesus, I invite You to clothe me. I commit my way to You. I submit my will to You. In You I pray, Jesus. Amen.



What time of day are you most creative? What time of day are you most efficient?


If you could create a new animal, what would it be like? What would be its most important feature? What would you call it?




READ: Genesis 1:1-3


There is a pattern throughout the first chapter of Genesis; God said. God called. God saw. (God created and it was. God named His creation. God pronounced it good.) What does this pattern tell you about the order of creation? Its author? Its purpose? Its goodness? Its completeness?


READ: Genesis 1:26


What does it mean to you to be created in God's image? Does knowing - and focusing on this truth - this make you feel about yourself? How does this affect your relationship with God? With other people?


READ: John 1:1-3


What does John 1:1-3 add to your perception of Genesis 1:1-3 and 1:26? What is Christ's role in creation? And how does Genesis help you appreciate the nature and work of Christ? 


Why do you think the Bible tells us that God created but does not tell us exactly how he created? What does this tell you about the relative importance of the who and how of creation?


READ: Romans 1:20-25 and Hebrews 11:1-3


What should be our response to God's self-revelation in the created order? What are the consequences for refusing to praise the Creator?


How aware are you of the created world in your everyday life? What do you find most remarkable about it? How does it affect your opinion of God? 


How does this story of creation affect the way you treat the land, water, plants and animals in God's world? 


Given Genesis 1, how would you counter the gnostic who believes that only the soul matters, as the human body and material things are non-spiritual? How would you counter the atheist who believes that we are the product of "chance plus time plus energy"? How would counter the one who reads the daily horoscope, believing that the position of sun, moon and stars ordain our personality and fate?


How can this group help you better value and appreciate God and His creation?

How do you need God to help you?



MESSAGE: Fear (Genesis 1:27-31, 2:15-17, 3:1-10)


KNOW: Shame can lead you to freedom or it can lead you to fear.


APPLY: Where are you? Where are you dealing with shame? Where do you turn with your shame?


LIVE: What are you experiencing? What are you feeling? What is your reality? What will you do?


PRAY: Father, thank You for Your grace spoken into my life. Thank You, God, that Your grace extends to me when I am underserving. Holy Spirit, help me to overcome shame through Your power in me. That I may experience an unencumbered unity with You and live free of shame through You. Amen.


As a child, did you have a cat or a dog [or another pet of some kind]?


How did your cat/dog respond when it heard your voice or when it saw you?

What did this response reveal about your pet?

How did your pet's response [or lack of response] make you feel?


We are going to talk about listening for and listening to the voice of God.

Do you find it easy to discern the voice of God in your life?

Are their circumstances or situations that make it more difficult to discern God's voice?




READ: John 10:1-6


What do the sheep, the shepherd, and the stranger represent in this passage? 

What is the relationship between the sheep and the shepherd?

How does the shepherd tend to the sheep?

How do the sheep respond to the shepherd? How do the sheep respond to the stranger?

How do you make sure that you are able to discern Jesus' voice from the stranger's?

How can you help others to better discern Jesus' voice from the stranger's?


READ: John 10:7-10


What does Jesus meaning by likening Himself to the gate for the sheep?

How is He unlike the thieves and the robbers who come in?

In this context, who are the thieves and the robbers?

How do you guard against thieves and robbers entering your presence?

How can you help other "sheep" from being stolen, killed, or destroyed?


READ: John 10:14-15


Why does Jesus identify Himself as the "good shepherd"? What does this mean?

How does what Jesus said here relate to what He said in verse 10?


READ: John 10:16-18


Who are the "other sheep" that he must bring also?

What characterizes Jesus' flock?


How do you discern the voice of Jesus - "the good shepherd" - from the voice of the stranger, the thief, and so many other voices in our world today?


On Sunday we considered shame, temptation, and sin. How might this passage help you - and those around you - to better guard against shame, temptation, and sin?


How can this group help you better discern and obey God's voice?

How do you need God to help you as you strive to listen for and listen to His voice?



MESSAGE: Shame (Genesis 2:16-17, 3:1-7, John 10:10)


Healthy Shame: “I have done something that goes against my core values and beliefs, and I feel bad about it.” [guilt]


Toxic Shame: “I am inherently flawed and defective and therefore unworthy of being loved or belonging.” [shame]


KNOW: The enemy will entice you with desire, entrap you with deception, ensnare you in shame, and enslave you to sin.


APPLY: Where are you dealing with shame? Where do you turn with your shame?


LIVE: Assess, acknowledge, admit, and address your shame.


PRAY: Almighty God, You have created me in Your perfect image. You have made me in your holy likeness. You know me fully and You love me deeply. Holy Spirit, strengthen me against the tricks and traps of the evil one and encourage me when I feel overcome by shame and temptation. Jesus, guide me to freedom in You. Amen.


What is something that you did or that you experienced growing up that embarrassed you or embarrassed someone around you? 


In what ways are embarrassment and shame similar? In what ways are they different?


How might an embarrassing moment lead to ongoing shame in someone's life?


Do you understand the difference between healthy shame and toxic shame (guilt)?


How do you guard against toxic shame in your own life?




READ: Isaiah 53:2-11


Who is Isaiah writing about in this passage? What stands out to you from this passage?


READ: Isaiah 54:1


Singleness and barrenness were causes of shame among women in these days. What conditions, circumstances, or situations seem to bring shame upon people today? 


READ: Isaiah 54:2-3


Through the prophet Isaiah God was calling the Israelites to prepare for a time of great blessing. How do these verses relate to what is recorded in Isaiah 53? How might we be called to prepare today?


READ: Isaiah 54:4-5


What names and titles of God are used in these verses? How might you summerize these verses in your own words? How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence?


READ: Isaiah 54:10, 17


How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence? How might these verses help you to better guard against shame in your life? What steps can you take to help equip, empower, and encourage others as they guard against shame in their life?


How can this group help you better guard against toxic shame in your life? How do you need God to help you overcome feelings of guilt and shame right now?



MESSAGE: No Shame (Genesis 2:8-10, 15-18, 21-25)


KNOW: You are made in the image and likeness of God to be free of shame.

  • Healthy Shame: “I have done something that goes against my core values and beliefs, and I feel bad about it.” [guilt]
  • Toxic Shame: “I am inherently flawed and defective and therefore unworthy of being loved or belonging.” [shame]


APPLY: Where are you dealing with shame in your life?


LIVE: Assess, acknowledge, admit, and address your shame.


PRAY: Father God, You have created me in Your perfect image. You have made me in your holy likeness. You know me fully and You love me deeply. I acknowledge these truths today. Help me, God, as I deal with guilt and shame in my life; that I would know the difference and that I would live in confidence and assurance with You. Amen.


What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?



MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?




What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?




What is something that you did or that you experienced growing up that embarrassed you or embarrassed someone around you? 


In what ways are embarrassment and shame similar? In what ways are they different?


How might an embarrassing moment lead to ongoing shame in someone's life?


Do you understand the difference between healthy shame and toxic shame (guilt)?


How do you guard against toxic shame in your own life?




READ: Isaiah 53:2-11


Who is Isaiah writing about in this passage? What stands out to you from this passage?


READ: Isaiah 54:1


Singleness and barrenness were causes of shame among women in these days. What conditions, circumstances, or situations seem to bring shame upon people today? 


READ: Isaiah 54:2-3


Through the prophet Isaiah God was calling the Israelites to prepare for a time of great blessing. How do these verses relate to what is recorded in Isaiah 53? How might we be called to prepare today?


READ: Isaiah 54:4-5


What names and titles of God are used in these verses? How might you summerize these verses in your own words? How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence?


READ: Isaiah 54:10, 17


How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence? How might these verses help you to better guard against shame in your life? What steps can you take to help equip, empower, and encourage others as they guard against shame in their life?


How can this group help you better guard against toxic shame in your life? How do you need God to help you overcome feelings of guilt and shame right now?




MESSAGE: No Shame (Genesis 2:8-10, 15-18, 21-25)


KNOW: You are made in the image and likeness of God to be free of shame.

  • Healthy Shame: “I have done something that goes against my core values and beliefs, and I feel bad about it.” [guilt]
  • Toxic Shame: “I am inherently flawed and defective and therefore unworthy of being loved or belonging.” [shame]


APPLY: Where are you dealing with shame in your life?


LIVE: Assess, acknowledge, admit, and address your shame.


PRAY: Father God, You have created me in Your perfect image. You have made me in your holy likeness. You know me fully and You love me deeply. I acknowledge these truths today. Help me, God, as I deal with guilt and shame in my life; that I would know the difference and that I would live in confidence and assurance with You. Amen.


What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?




What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?





  • What was your first paid job?





  • How is Paul asking the church of Thessalonica to pray for him?
  • What encouragements in Paul giving to them in this passage?



  • How might Paul’s earlier letter (see 1 Thess. 5:1-3) been misunderstood and led to some of the idleness they are dealing with?
  • Why might Paul have seen this idleness as a concern (see 1 Thess. 4:11-12)?
  • What example does Paul give them for how they should live?
  • Might you identify as idle, a busy-body, a worrywart, or a workaholic?



  • Why do you think Paul calls attention to his handwriting in this letter?
  • What does Paul emphasize grace and peace? What does this say about God’s will?



  • How would you rate the level of God’s peace that you are experiencing right now?
  • How do you most need God’s love and Christ’s perseverance in your life right now?



Message: Luke 19:28-40


2And when he had said these things, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. When he drew near to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount that is called Olivet, he sent two of the disciples, saying, “Go into the village in front of you, where on entering you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever yet sat. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ you shall say this: ‘The Lord has need of it.’” So those who were sent went away and found it just as he had told them. And as they were untying the colt, its owners said to them, “Why are you untying the colt?” And they said, “The Lord has need of it.” And they brought it to Jesus, and throwing their cloaks on the colt, they set Jesus on it. And as he rode along, they spread their cloaks on the road. As he was drawing near—already on the way down the Mount of Olives—the whole multitude of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” And some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” He answered, I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”



  • Did you have a “rebellious stage” in your life? When was this?





  • How much time was Paul able to spend in Thessalonica (see Acts 17:2)?
  • How might this have affected their willingness to believe rumors about Christ’s return?



  • What information can we gather about the man of lawlessness from this passage?
  • Why do you think God would allow the lawlessness one to deceive people?
  • What are the marks of the coming of the lawless one?



  • How and why will God save His people?
  • What are people to do in response to this passage?



  • What do we need to do today to be morally alert?
  • What encouragement do you draw from verses 13-14?
  • Where do you most need encouragement and strength from God right now?



Message: Matthew 16:21-28


From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”



  • Considering your up-brining, what did your parents do well in raising you?
  • What punishments worked best? What rewards worked best?





  • What is the evidence that they are “worthy” of God’s kingdom?
  • Why is God waiting to punish the persecutors? Who is benefiting from this delay in justice?
  • How do you feel about the punishments listed (verses 8-9)



  • What quality do you think Paul admires most in these Christians?
  • What is the effect of Paul’s thanksgiving and prayer?
  • How would you put Paul’s prayer into your own words?



  • How will you exercise faith and love this week in some specific way or relationship?
  • Which of your current struggles are the effect of your faith in Christ?



MESSAGE: Paul’s Instructions [1 Thessalonians 5:12-24]


APPLY: What is God calling you to do or to change in your life today?


LIVE: How can you better serve within and beyond The Church?


PRAY: God of peace, I invite You to sanctify me through and through. Holy Spirit, teach me and strengthen me to keep my spirit, soul, and body blameless until the coming of the Lord Jesus. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Amen.



  • Where is one of the most beautiful places you have ever been?
  • What impressed you about it?





  • How does John describe what He sees in this vision? 
  • What do you think would be the most amazing part of this?
  • What is the significance of the white robes and palm branches?



  • When the multitude cry out, how do the angels, elders, and four living creatures respond?
  • What does all of this reveal about God, His kingdom, and Jesus’ sacrifice?



  • What qualifies the white-robed multitude to stand before God?
  • What is the role of this white-robed multitude?



  • What is your greatest tribulation or persecution right now?
  • How can you best incorporate this glimpse of heaven into your spiritual and earthly walk?



MESSAGE: New Beginning (Revelation 21:1-7)


KNOW: Your pathway to a new beginning begins and ends with Jesus – who was and is the beginning and the end.


APPLY: Your new beginning with Jesus can begin today.


LIVE: Receive the salvation that only Jesus offers. Testify to the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. Celebrate the eternal future you have.


PRAY: Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb. Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God forever and ever. Amen! [Revelation 7:10, 12]


HAVE SOMEONE READ Revelation 12:7-11

  • What resonated with you from this weekend's message?





  • How are belief, love, obedience, and life interconnected in this section?
  • Using these four key concepts, how would you explain to someone what being a Christian is all about? 


HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 John 2:16, 3:13, and 5:19

  • How is the world described? What resonates with you from these verses?



  • Who's is "the victory" that has overcome the world? What does this mean?


Using the "love test" of verse 1 (to love God is to show love to his children), how are you doing at loving God?


Using the test from verses 2-3 (to love others means to obey God's com-mands), how are you doing at loving others?


What has convinced you that true life is found in Jesus?


What further "proof" do you need? 


What "idols" of the world today tempt you away from steadily following Jesus?


What is one major thing you need to do to better overcome and testify of Jesus?


How do you need God to help you right now?



MESSAGE: Overcame (Revelation 12:7-11, 1 John 5:1-5)


KNOW: Christ is victorious. And, through Him, we are victorious too.


APPLY: We overcome – conquer and prevail – by the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony.


LIVE: Testify to the goodness and grace of Jesus this week.


PRAY: Jesus, with You I am victorious. Grant me to confidence to live as an overcomer and conqueror in You. Jesus, remind me that You have victory over sin and Satan, strengthen me and teach me to turn temptations into triumph and trials into testimonies. Amen.


As a child, what homemade gifts did you give your family? As a parent, which homemade have you revceived?


Did your ever suspect your parents of having "favorites" among your siblings? Why?





  • Since God accepts both animal and grain sacrifices (Lev 6:14-30), why do you think God rejects Cain's sacrifice?
  • Consider and discuss the following responses to the above question;
    • Only a blood sacrifice could cover sin and guilt (Leviticus 4-6)
    • Cain had a bad attitude or lack of faith (Hebrews 11:4; 1Jn 2:9-11)
    • Cain's offering didn't mean anything to him (Isaiah 1:10-20)
    • Cain's offering did not embody social righteousness (see Amos 5:21-24)
  • Where might God be looking on your life with favor? 

    Where might God be looking at your life with disfavor?



  • God tells Cain to "do what is right", what does this passage reveal about anger?
  • How would you assess your anger and the way you handle anger?



  • After the murder of Abel, why do you think God approaches Cain as he does?
  • Are you your "brother's keeper"? How so? How would you assess the level of  "keeping" you do?


HAVE SOMEONE READ Genesis 4:10-12

  • Why do you think God delayed Cain's punishment?


HAVE SOMEONE READ Genesis 4:13-16

  • Why do you think God protected Cain as He did?
  • Why was Cain punished? (a) Wrong sacrifice? (b) Hateful attitude? (c) Murderous act? (d) Failure to master sin? (e) Attempt to cover up sin?
  • Did Cain repent of his sin? How does his confession (vv.13-14) and the Lord's reply (vv.15-16) shed light on this? 


Are there any areas of anger or sin that you need to confess and repent of?

How do you need God to help you right now?



MESSAGE: Anger (Genesis 4:1-9, James 4:17)


KNOW: God is pleased with you.


APPLY: Are you bringing your very best to God? Are you angry? Are you ashamed? Are you your brother’s/sister’s keeper?


LIVE: Submit to God. Resist the devil.


PRAY: Father God, thank You for creating me and loving me. Help me to know the depth of Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy. Holy Spirit, convict me of any sin, confront me in moments of anger, and counsel me in times of shame. Jesus, reveal Your love to me so that I might love others as You have first loved me. Amen.


What food (or type of food) do you find especially tempting? What keeps you from eating an abundance of this food? 




HAVE SOMEONE READ: Genesis 3:1-7

  • Who is this serpent: Real creature? Mythical symbol? Or what? 
  • Which portion of the serpent's statements (1,4,5) are true and which are false?
  • Why do you think the serpent mixes the truth with lies? 
  • How might someone fall prey to the question, "Did God really say...?"
  • Why do you think Adam eats the fruit? Could he have resisted?
  • Do you think Adam is more, or less, responsible than Eve? Why?


HAVE SOMEONE READ: Genesis 3:11-24

  • How do the punishments reflect varying degrees of guilt?
  • Which punishments would have been most difficult for Adam? For Eve? For you?
  • Why would God allow Adam and Eve to fail when tempted? What does this say about God? What does this say about what he wants from us?

From this story, how would you define sin and its consequences?


Where in this story do you find any good news? 



  • Do you want to experience freedom from shame and sin?
  • Do you believe it’s possible to experience freedom?
  • Do you believe this freedom comes through Jesus Christ?
  • What’s keeping you from experiencing freedom?

How can this group help you to experience more freedom from shame and sin?

How do you need God to help you?



MESSAGE: Covering (Genesis 3:21, 1st John 2:1-2, Romans 6:22, 7:21-25, 13:14)


KNOW: A covering for shame and sin is required. But we cannot make or manufacture this covering ourselves. Only one covering for shame and sin is significant and sufficient enough.


APPLY: Do you want to experience freedom from shame and sin? Do you believe it’s possible to experience freedom? Do you believe this freedom comes through Jesus Christ? What’s keeping you from experiencing freedom?


LIVE: Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.


PRAY: Jesus, I belong to You. Cover me now. Cover my shame. Cover my sin. Jesus, I acknowledge You as the only sufficient – full and complete – sacrifice that leads to salvation. Jesus, I invite You to clothe me. I commit my way to You. I submit my will to You. In You I pray, Jesus. Amen.



What time of day are you most creative? What time of day are you most efficient?


If you could create a new animal, what would it be like? What would be its most important feature? What would you call it?




READ: Genesis 1:1-3


There is a pattern throughout the first chapter of Genesis; God said. God called. God saw. (God created and it was. God named His creation. God pronounced it good.) What does this pattern tell you about the order of creation? Its author? Its purpose? Its goodness? Its completeness?


READ: Genesis 1:26


What does it mean to you to be created in God's image? Does knowing - and focusing on this truth - this make you feel about yourself? How does this affect your relationship with God? With other people?


READ: John 1:1-3


What does John 1:1-3 add to your perception of Genesis 1:1-3 and 1:26? What is Christ's role in creation? And how does Genesis help you appreciate the nature and work of Christ? 


Why do you think the Bible tells us that God created but does not tell us exactly how he created? What does this tell you about the relative importance of the who and how of creation?


READ: Romans 1:20-25 and Hebrews 11:1-3


What should be our response to God's self-revelation in the created order? What are the consequences for refusing to praise the Creator?


How aware are you of the created world in your everyday life? What do you find most remarkable about it? How does it affect your opinion of God? 


How does this story of creation affect the way you treat the land, water, plants and animals in God's world? 


Given Genesis 1, how would you counter the gnostic who believes that only the soul matters, as the human body and material things are non-spiritual? How would you counter the atheist who believes that we are the product of "chance plus time plus energy"? How would counter the one who reads the daily horoscope, believing that the position of sun, moon and stars ordain our personality and fate?


How can this group help you better value and appreciate God and His creation?

How do you need God to help you?



MESSAGE: Fear (Genesis 1:27-31, 2:15-17, 3:1-10)


KNOW: Shame can lead you to freedom or it can lead you to fear.


APPLY: Where are you? Where are you dealing with shame? Where do you turn with your shame?


LIVE: What are you experiencing? What are you feeling? What is your reality? What will you do?


PRAY: Father, thank You for Your grace spoken into my life. Thank You, God, that Your grace extends to me when I am underserving. Holy Spirit, help me to overcome shame through Your power in me. That I may experience an unencumbered unity with You and live free of shame through You. Amen.


As a child, did you have a cat or a dog [or another pet of some kind]?


How did your cat/dog respond when it heard your voice or when it saw you?

What did this response reveal about your pet?

How did your pet's response [or lack of response] make you feel?


We are going to talk about listening for and listening to the voice of God.

Do you find it easy to discern the voice of God in your life?

Are their circumstances or situations that make it more difficult to discern God's voice?




READ: John 10:1-6


What do the sheep, the shepherd, and the stranger represent in this passage? 

What is the relationship between the sheep and the shepherd?

How does the shepherd tend to the sheep?

How do the sheep respond to the shepherd? How do the sheep respond to the stranger?

How do you make sure that you are able to discern Jesus' voice from the stranger's?

How can you help others to better discern Jesus' voice from the stranger's?


READ: John 10:7-10


What does Jesus meaning by likening Himself to the gate for the sheep?

How is He unlike the thieves and the robbers who come in?

In this context, who are the thieves and the robbers?

How do you guard against thieves and robbers entering your presence?

How can you help other "sheep" from being stolen, killed, or destroyed?


READ: John 10:14-15


Why does Jesus identify Himself as the "good shepherd"? What does this mean?

How does what Jesus said here relate to what He said in verse 10?


READ: John 10:16-18


Who are the "other sheep" that he must bring also?

What characterizes Jesus' flock?


How do you discern the voice of Jesus - "the good shepherd" - from the voice of the stranger, the thief, and so many other voices in our world today?


On Sunday we considered shame, temptation, and sin. How might this passage help you - and those around you - to better guard against shame, temptation, and sin?


How can this group help you better discern and obey God's voice?

How do you need God to help you as you strive to listen for and listen to His voice?



MESSAGE: Shame (Genesis 2:16-17, 3:1-7, John 10:10)


Healthy Shame: “I have done something that goes against my core values and beliefs, and I feel bad about it.” [guilt]


Toxic Shame: “I am inherently flawed and defective and therefore unworthy of being loved or belonging.” [shame]


KNOW: The enemy will entice you with desire, entrap you with deception, ensnare you in shame, and enslave you to sin.


APPLY: Where are you dealing with shame? Where do you turn with your shame?


LIVE: Assess, acknowledge, admit, and address your shame.


PRAY: Almighty God, You have created me in Your perfect image. You have made me in your holy likeness. You know me fully and You love me deeply. Holy Spirit, strengthen me against the tricks and traps of the evil one and encourage me when I feel overcome by shame and temptation. Jesus, guide me to freedom in You. Amen.


What is something that you did or that you experienced growing up that embarrassed you or embarrassed someone around you? 


In what ways are embarrassment and shame similar? In what ways are they different?


How might an embarrassing moment lead to ongoing shame in someone's life?


Do you understand the difference between healthy shame and toxic shame (guilt)?


How do you guard against toxic shame in your own life?




READ: Isaiah 53:2-11


Who is Isaiah writing about in this passage? What stands out to you from this passage?


READ: Isaiah 54:1


Singleness and barrenness were causes of shame among women in these days. What conditions, circumstances, or situations seem to bring shame upon people today? 


READ: Isaiah 54:2-3


Through the prophet Isaiah God was calling the Israelites to prepare for a time of great blessing. How do these verses relate to what is recorded in Isaiah 53? How might we be called to prepare today?


READ: Isaiah 54:4-5


What names and titles of God are used in these verses? How might you summerize these verses in your own words? How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence?


READ: Isaiah 54:10, 17


How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence? How might these verses help you to better guard against shame in your life? What steps can you take to help equip, empower, and encourage others as they guard against shame in their life?


How can this group help you better guard against toxic shame in your life? How do you need God to help you overcome feelings of guilt and shame right now?



MESSAGE: No Shame (Genesis 2:8-10, 15-18, 21-25)


KNOW: You are made in the image and likeness of God to be free of shame.

  • Healthy Shame: “I have done something that goes against my core values and beliefs, and I feel bad about it.” [guilt]
  • Toxic Shame: “I am inherently flawed and defective and therefore unworthy of being loved or belonging.” [shame]


APPLY: Where are you dealing with shame in your life?


LIVE: Assess, acknowledge, admit, and address your shame.


PRAY: Father God, You have created me in Your perfect image. You have made me in your holy likeness. You know me fully and You love me deeply. I acknowledge these truths today. Help me, God, as I deal with guilt and shame in my life; that I would know the difference and that I would live in confidence and assurance with You. Amen.


What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?



MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?




What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?




What is something that you did or that you experienced growing up that embarrassed you or embarrassed someone around you? 


In what ways are embarrassment and shame similar? In what ways are they different?


How might an embarrassing moment lead to ongoing shame in someone's life?


Do you understand the difference between healthy shame and toxic shame (guilt)?


How do you guard against toxic shame in your own life?




READ: Isaiah 53:2-11


Who is Isaiah writing about in this passage? What stands out to you from this passage?


READ: Isaiah 54:1


Singleness and barrenness were causes of shame among women in these days. What conditions, circumstances, or situations seem to bring shame upon people today? 


READ: Isaiah 54:2-3


Through the prophet Isaiah God was calling the Israelites to prepare for a time of great blessing. How do these verses relate to what is recorded in Isaiah 53? How might we be called to prepare today?


READ: Isaiah 54:4-5


What names and titles of God are used in these verses? How might you summerize these verses in your own words? How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence?


READ: Isaiah 54:10, 17


How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence? How might these verses help you to better guard against shame in your life? What steps can you take to help equip, empower, and encourage others as they guard against shame in their life?


How can this group help you better guard against toxic shame in your life? How do you need God to help you overcome feelings of guilt and shame right now?




MESSAGE: No Shame (Genesis 2:8-10, 15-18, 21-25)


KNOW: You are made in the image and likeness of God to be free of shame.

  • Healthy Shame: “I have done something that goes against my core values and beliefs, and I feel bad about it.” [guilt]
  • Toxic Shame: “I am inherently flawed and defective and therefore unworthy of being loved or belonging.” [shame]


APPLY: Where are you dealing with shame in your life?


LIVE: Assess, acknowledge, admit, and address your shame.


PRAY: Father God, You have created me in Your perfect image. You have made me in your holy likeness. You know me fully and You love me deeply. I acknowledge these truths today. Help me, God, as I deal with guilt and shame in my life; that I would know the difference and that I would live in confidence and assurance with You. Amen.


What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?




What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?





  • "If I've told you once, l've told you a thousand times..." Regarding what issue was that true of your parents with you? Of you with your kids?




HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 Corinthians 15:1-2

  • Why does Paul remind them of the gospel?


HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 Corinthians 15:3-8

  • What about Christ is of "first importance"?
  • Why stress Christ's appearances?

  • Does this prove the resurrection? Why or why not?


HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 Corinthians 15:9-11

  •  Why the stress on God's grace?



  • If you had to explain four facts of the gospel to an interested friend, what would you say?

  • How would you counter those who "explain away" the resurrection naturalistically?

  • Where would you be now if not for God's grace?



MESSAGE: Destined to Die [1st Corinthians 15:1-5, 12-13, 20-31]


KNOW: We were destined to die until death was destroyed.


APPLY: I die every day remembering that death has been destroyed.


LIVE: Deny yourself. Take up your cross. Follow Jesus.


PRAY: Jesus, thank You for coming to us as a demonstration of Your love. Thank You for living. Thank You for dying. Thank You for rising again. Thank You for offering us the invitation to life and for destroying death for those who believe and call on You. Teach us, Savior, how to deny ourselves as we follow You. Teach us, Lord, how to die every day. Amen.



  • What was your first paid job?





  • How is Paul asking the church of Thessalonica to pray for him?
  • What encouragements in Paul giving to them in this passage?



  • How might Paul’s earlier letter (see 1 Thess. 5:1-3) been misunderstood and led to some of the idleness they are dealing with?
  • Why might Paul have seen this idleness as a concern (see 1 Thess. 4:11-12)?
  • What example does Paul give them for how they should live?
  • Might you identify as idle, a busy-body, a worrywart, or a workaholic?



  • Why do you think Paul calls attention to his handwriting in this letter?
  • What does Paul emphasize grace and peace? What does this say about God’s will?



  • How would you rate the level of God’s peace that you are experiencing right now?
  • How do you most need God’s love and Christ’s perseverance in your life right now?



Message: Luke 19:28-40


2And when he had said these things, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. When he drew near to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount that is called Olivet, he sent two of the disciples, saying, “Go into the village in front of you, where on entering you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever yet sat. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ you shall say this: ‘The Lord has need of it.’” So those who were sent went away and found it just as he had told them. And as they were untying the colt, its owners said to them, “Why are you untying the colt?” And they said, “The Lord has need of it.” And they brought it to Jesus, and throwing their cloaks on the colt, they set Jesus on it. And as he rode along, they spread their cloaks on the road. As he was drawing near—already on the way down the Mount of Olives—the whole multitude of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” And some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” He answered, I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”



  • Did you have a “rebellious stage” in your life? When was this?





  • How much time was Paul able to spend in Thessalonica (see Acts 17:2)?
  • How might this have affected their willingness to believe rumors about Christ’s return?



  • What information can we gather about the man of lawlessness from this passage?
  • Why do you think God would allow the lawlessness one to deceive people?
  • What are the marks of the coming of the lawless one?



  • How and why will God save His people?
  • What are people to do in response to this passage?



  • What do we need to do today to be morally alert?
  • What encouragement do you draw from verses 13-14?
  • Where do you most need encouragement and strength from God right now?



Message: Matthew 16:21-28


From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”



  • Considering your up-brining, what did your parents do well in raising you?
  • What punishments worked best? What rewards worked best?





  • What is the evidence that they are “worthy” of God’s kingdom?
  • Why is God waiting to punish the persecutors? Who is benefiting from this delay in justice?
  • How do you feel about the punishments listed (verses 8-9)



  • What quality do you think Paul admires most in these Christians?
  • What is the effect of Paul’s thanksgiving and prayer?
  • How would you put Paul’s prayer into your own words?



  • How will you exercise faith and love this week in some specific way or relationship?
  • Which of your current struggles are the effect of your faith in Christ?



MESSAGE: Paul’s Instructions [1 Thessalonians 5:12-24]


APPLY: What is God calling you to do or to change in your life today?


LIVE: How can you better serve within and beyond The Church?


PRAY: God of peace, I invite You to sanctify me through and through. Holy Spirit, teach me and strengthen me to keep my spirit, soul, and body blameless until the coming of the Lord Jesus. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Amen.



  • Where is one of the most beautiful places you have ever been?
  • What impressed you about it?





  • How does John describe what He sees in this vision? 
  • What do you think would be the most amazing part of this?
  • What is the significance of the white robes and palm branches?



  • When the multitude cry out, how do the angels, elders, and four living creatures respond?
  • What does all of this reveal about God, His kingdom, and Jesus’ sacrifice?



  • What qualifies the white-robed multitude to stand before God?
  • What is the role of this white-robed multitude?



  • What is your greatest tribulation or persecution right now?
  • How can you best incorporate this glimpse of heaven into your spiritual and earthly walk?



MESSAGE: New Beginning (Revelation 21:1-7)


KNOW: Your pathway to a new beginning begins and ends with Jesus – who was and is the beginning and the end.


APPLY: Your new beginning with Jesus can begin today.


LIVE: Receive the salvation that only Jesus offers. Testify to the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. Celebrate the eternal future you have.


PRAY: Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb. Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God forever and ever. Amen! [Revelation 7:10, 12]


HAVE SOMEONE READ Revelation 12:7-11

  • What resonated with you from this weekend's message?





  • How are belief, love, obedience, and life interconnected in this section?
  • Using these four key concepts, how would you explain to someone what being a Christian is all about? 


HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 John 2:16, 3:13, and 5:19

  • How is the world described? What resonates with you from these verses?



  • Who's is "the victory" that has overcome the world? What does this mean?


Using the "love test" of verse 1 (to love God is to show love to his children), how are you doing at loving God?


Using the test from verses 2-3 (to love others means to obey God's com-mands), how are you doing at loving others?


What has convinced you that true life is found in Jesus?


What further "proof" do you need? 


What "idols" of the world today tempt you away from steadily following Jesus?


What is one major thing you need to do to better overcome and testify of Jesus?


How do you need God to help you right now?



MESSAGE: Overcame (Revelation 12:7-11, 1 John 5:1-5)


KNOW: Christ is victorious. And, through Him, we are victorious too.


APPLY: We overcome – conquer and prevail – by the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony.


LIVE: Testify to the goodness and grace of Jesus this week.


PRAY: Jesus, with You I am victorious. Grant me to confidence to live as an overcomer and conqueror in You. Jesus, remind me that You have victory over sin and Satan, strengthen me and teach me to turn temptations into triumph and trials into testimonies. Amen.


As a child, what homemade gifts did you give your family? As a parent, which homemade have you revceived?


Did your ever suspect your parents of having "favorites" among your siblings? Why?





  • Since God accepts both animal and grain sacrifices (Lev 6:14-30), why do you think God rejects Cain's sacrifice?
  • Consider and discuss the following responses to the above question;
    • Only a blood sacrifice could cover sin and guilt (Leviticus 4-6)
    • Cain had a bad attitude or lack of faith (Hebrews 11:4; 1Jn 2:9-11)
    • Cain's offering didn't mean anything to him (Isaiah 1:10-20)
    • Cain's offering did not embody social righteousness (see Amos 5:21-24)
  • Where might God be looking on your life with favor? 

    Where might God be looking at your life with disfavor?



  • God tells Cain to "do what is right", what does this passage reveal about anger?
  • How would you assess your anger and the way you handle anger?



  • After the murder of Abel, why do you think God approaches Cain as he does?
  • Are you your "brother's keeper"? How so? How would you assess the level of  "keeping" you do?


HAVE SOMEONE READ Genesis 4:10-12

  • Why do you think God delayed Cain's punishment?


HAVE SOMEONE READ Genesis 4:13-16

  • Why do you think God protected Cain as He did?
  • Why was Cain punished? (a) Wrong sacrifice? (b) Hateful attitude? (c) Murderous act? (d) Failure to master sin? (e) Attempt to cover up sin?
  • Did Cain repent of his sin? How does his confession (vv.13-14) and the Lord's reply (vv.15-16) shed light on this? 


Are there any areas of anger or sin that you need to confess and repent of?

How do you need God to help you right now?



MESSAGE: Anger (Genesis 4:1-9, James 4:17)


KNOW: God is pleased with you.


APPLY: Are you bringing your very best to God? Are you angry? Are you ashamed? Are you your brother’s/sister’s keeper?


LIVE: Submit to God. Resist the devil.


PRAY: Father God, thank You for creating me and loving me. Help me to know the depth of Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy. Holy Spirit, convict me of any sin, confront me in moments of anger, and counsel me in times of shame. Jesus, reveal Your love to me so that I might love others as You have first loved me. Amen.


What food (or type of food) do you find especially tempting? What keeps you from eating an abundance of this food? 




HAVE SOMEONE READ: Genesis 3:1-7

  • Who is this serpent: Real creature? Mythical symbol? Or what? 
  • Which portion of the serpent's statements (1,4,5) are true and which are false?
  • Why do you think the serpent mixes the truth with lies? 
  • How might someone fall prey to the question, "Did God really say...?"
  • Why do you think Adam eats the fruit? Could he have resisted?
  • Do you think Adam is more, or less, responsible than Eve? Why?


HAVE SOMEONE READ: Genesis 3:11-24

  • How do the punishments reflect varying degrees of guilt?
  • Which punishments would have been most difficult for Adam? For Eve? For you?
  • Why would God allow Adam and Eve to fail when tempted? What does this say about God? What does this say about what he wants from us?

From this story, how would you define sin and its consequences?


Where in this story do you find any good news? 



  • Do you want to experience freedom from shame and sin?
  • Do you believe it’s possible to experience freedom?
  • Do you believe this freedom comes through Jesus Christ?
  • What’s keeping you from experiencing freedom?

How can this group help you to experience more freedom from shame and sin?

How do you need God to help you?



MESSAGE: Covering (Genesis 3:21, 1st John 2:1-2, Romans 6:22, 7:21-25, 13:14)


KNOW: A covering for shame and sin is required. But we cannot make or manufacture this covering ourselves. Only one covering for shame and sin is significant and sufficient enough.


APPLY: Do you want to experience freedom from shame and sin? Do you believe it’s possible to experience freedom? Do you believe this freedom comes through Jesus Christ? What’s keeping you from experiencing freedom?


LIVE: Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.


PRAY: Jesus, I belong to You. Cover me now. Cover my shame. Cover my sin. Jesus, I acknowledge You as the only sufficient – full and complete – sacrifice that leads to salvation. Jesus, I invite You to clothe me. I commit my way to You. I submit my will to You. In You I pray, Jesus. Amen.



What time of day are you most creative? What time of day are you most efficient?


If you could create a new animal, what would it be like? What would be its most important feature? What would you call it?




READ: Genesis 1:1-3


There is a pattern throughout the first chapter of Genesis; God said. God called. God saw. (God created and it was. God named His creation. God pronounced it good.) What does this pattern tell you about the order of creation? Its author? Its purpose? Its goodness? Its completeness?


READ: Genesis 1:26


What does it mean to you to be created in God's image? Does knowing - and focusing on this truth - this make you feel about yourself? How does this affect your relationship with God? With other people?


READ: John 1:1-3


What does John 1:1-3 add to your perception of Genesis 1:1-3 and 1:26? What is Christ's role in creation? And how does Genesis help you appreciate the nature and work of Christ? 


Why do you think the Bible tells us that God created but does not tell us exactly how he created? What does this tell you about the relative importance of the who and how of creation?


READ: Romans 1:20-25 and Hebrews 11:1-3


What should be our response to God's self-revelation in the created order? What are the consequences for refusing to praise the Creator?


How aware are you of the created world in your everyday life? What do you find most remarkable about it? How does it affect your opinion of God? 


How does this story of creation affect the way you treat the land, water, plants and animals in God's world? 


Given Genesis 1, how would you counter the gnostic who believes that only the soul matters, as the human body and material things are non-spiritual? How would you counter the atheist who believes that we are the product of "chance plus time plus energy"? How would counter the one who reads the daily horoscope, believing that the position of sun, moon and stars ordain our personality and fate?


How can this group help you better value and appreciate God and His creation?

How do you need God to help you?



MESSAGE: Fear (Genesis 1:27-31, 2:15-17, 3:1-10)


KNOW: Shame can lead you to freedom or it can lead you to fear.


APPLY: Where are you? Where are you dealing with shame? Where do you turn with your shame?


LIVE: What are you experiencing? What are you feeling? What is your reality? What will you do?


PRAY: Father, thank You for Your grace spoken into my life. Thank You, God, that Your grace extends to me when I am underserving. Holy Spirit, help me to overcome shame through Your power in me. That I may experience an unencumbered unity with You and live free of shame through You. Amen.


As a child, did you have a cat or a dog [or another pet of some kind]?


How did your cat/dog respond when it heard your voice or when it saw you?

What did this response reveal about your pet?

How did your pet's response [or lack of response] make you feel?


We are going to talk about listening for and listening to the voice of God.

Do you find it easy to discern the voice of God in your life?

Are their circumstances or situations that make it more difficult to discern God's voice?




READ: John 10:1-6


What do the sheep, the shepherd, and the stranger represent in this passage? 

What is the relationship between the sheep and the shepherd?

How does the shepherd tend to the sheep?

How do the sheep respond to the shepherd? How do the sheep respond to the stranger?

How do you make sure that you are able to discern Jesus' voice from the stranger's?

How can you help others to better discern Jesus' voice from the stranger's?


READ: John 10:7-10


What does Jesus meaning by likening Himself to the gate for the sheep?

How is He unlike the thieves and the robbers who come in?

In this context, who are the thieves and the robbers?

How do you guard against thieves and robbers entering your presence?

How can you help other "sheep" from being stolen, killed, or destroyed?


READ: John 10:14-15


Why does Jesus identify Himself as the "good shepherd"? What does this mean?

How does what Jesus said here relate to what He said in verse 10?


READ: John 10:16-18


Who are the "other sheep" that he must bring also?

What characterizes Jesus' flock?


How do you discern the voice of Jesus - "the good shepherd" - from the voice of the stranger, the thief, and so many other voices in our world today?


On Sunday we considered shame, temptation, and sin. How might this passage help you - and those around you - to better guard against shame, temptation, and sin?


How can this group help you better discern and obey God's voice?

How do you need God to help you as you strive to listen for and listen to His voice?



MESSAGE: Shame (Genesis 2:16-17, 3:1-7, John 10:10)


Healthy Shame: “I have done something that goes against my core values and beliefs, and I feel bad about it.” [guilt]


Toxic Shame: “I am inherently flawed and defective and therefore unworthy of being loved or belonging.” [shame]


KNOW: The enemy will entice you with desire, entrap you with deception, ensnare you in shame, and enslave you to sin.


APPLY: Where are you dealing with shame? Where do you turn with your shame?


LIVE: Assess, acknowledge, admit, and address your shame.


PRAY: Almighty God, You have created me in Your perfect image. You have made me in your holy likeness. You know me fully and You love me deeply. Holy Spirit, strengthen me against the tricks and traps of the evil one and encourage me when I feel overcome by shame and temptation. Jesus, guide me to freedom in You. Amen.


What is something that you did or that you experienced growing up that embarrassed you or embarrassed someone around you? 


In what ways are embarrassment and shame similar? In what ways are they different?


How might an embarrassing moment lead to ongoing shame in someone's life?


Do you understand the difference between healthy shame and toxic shame (guilt)?


How do you guard against toxic shame in your own life?




READ: Isaiah 53:2-11


Who is Isaiah writing about in this passage? What stands out to you from this passage?


READ: Isaiah 54:1


Singleness and barrenness were causes of shame among women in these days. What conditions, circumstances, or situations seem to bring shame upon people today? 


READ: Isaiah 54:2-3


Through the prophet Isaiah God was calling the Israelites to prepare for a time of great blessing. How do these verses relate to what is recorded in Isaiah 53? How might we be called to prepare today?


READ: Isaiah 54:4-5


What names and titles of God are used in these verses? How might you summerize these verses in your own words? How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence?


READ: Isaiah 54:10, 17


How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence? How might these verses help you to better guard against shame in your life? What steps can you take to help equip, empower, and encourage others as they guard against shame in their life?


How can this group help you better guard against toxic shame in your life? How do you need God to help you overcome feelings of guilt and shame right now?



MESSAGE: No Shame (Genesis 2:8-10, 15-18, 21-25)


KNOW: You are made in the image and likeness of God to be free of shame.

  • Healthy Shame: “I have done something that goes against my core values and beliefs, and I feel bad about it.” [guilt]
  • Toxic Shame: “I am inherently flawed and defective and therefore unworthy of being loved or belonging.” [shame]


APPLY: Where are you dealing with shame in your life?


LIVE: Assess, acknowledge, admit, and address your shame.


PRAY: Father God, You have created me in Your perfect image. You have made me in your holy likeness. You know me fully and You love me deeply. I acknowledge these truths today. Help me, God, as I deal with guilt and shame in my life; that I would know the difference and that I would live in confidence and assurance with You. Amen.


What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?



MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?




What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?




What is something that you did or that you experienced growing up that embarrassed you or embarrassed someone around you? 


In what ways are embarrassment and shame similar? In what ways are they different?


How might an embarrassing moment lead to ongoing shame in someone's life?


Do you understand the difference between healthy shame and toxic shame (guilt)?


How do you guard against toxic shame in your own life?




READ: Isaiah 53:2-11


Who is Isaiah writing about in this passage? What stands out to you from this passage?


READ: Isaiah 54:1


Singleness and barrenness were causes of shame among women in these days. What conditions, circumstances, or situations seem to bring shame upon people today? 


READ: Isaiah 54:2-3


Through the prophet Isaiah God was calling the Israelites to prepare for a time of great blessing. How do these verses relate to what is recorded in Isaiah 53? How might we be called to prepare today?


READ: Isaiah 54:4-5


What names and titles of God are used in these verses? How might you summerize these verses in your own words? How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence?


READ: Isaiah 54:10, 17


How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence? How might these verses help you to better guard against shame in your life? What steps can you take to help equip, empower, and encourage others as they guard against shame in their life?


How can this group help you better guard against toxic shame in your life? How do you need God to help you overcome feelings of guilt and shame right now?




MESSAGE: No Shame (Genesis 2:8-10, 15-18, 21-25)


KNOW: You are made in the image and likeness of God to be free of shame.

  • Healthy Shame: “I have done something that goes against my core values and beliefs, and I feel bad about it.” [guilt]
  • Toxic Shame: “I am inherently flawed and defective and therefore unworthy of being loved or belonging.” [shame]


APPLY: Where are you dealing with shame in your life?


LIVE: Assess, acknowledge, admit, and address your shame.


PRAY: Father God, You have created me in Your perfect image. You have made me in your holy likeness. You know me fully and You love me deeply. I acknowledge these truths today. Help me, God, as I deal with guilt and shame in my life; that I would know the difference and that I would live in confidence and assurance with You. Amen.


What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?




What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?





  • What was your first paid job?





  • How is Paul asking the church of Thessalonica to pray for him?
  • What encouragements in Paul giving to them in this passage?



  • How might Paul’s earlier letter (see 1 Thess. 5:1-3) been misunderstood and led to some of the idleness they are dealing with?
  • Why might Paul have seen this idleness as a concern (see 1 Thess. 4:11-12)?
  • What example does Paul give them for how they should live?
  • Might you identify as idle, a busy-body, a worrywart, or a workaholic?



  • Why do you think Paul calls attention to his handwriting in this letter?
  • What does Paul emphasize grace and peace? What does this say about God’s will?



  • How would you rate the level of God’s peace that you are experiencing right now?
  • How do you most need God’s love and Christ’s perseverance in your life right now?



Message: Luke 19:28-40


2And when he had said these things, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. When he drew near to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount that is called Olivet, he sent two of the disciples, saying, “Go into the village in front of you, where on entering you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever yet sat. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ you shall say this: ‘The Lord has need of it.’” So those who were sent went away and found it just as he had told them. And as they were untying the colt, its owners said to them, “Why are you untying the colt?” And they said, “The Lord has need of it.” And they brought it to Jesus, and throwing their cloaks on the colt, they set Jesus on it. And as he rode along, they spread their cloaks on the road. As he was drawing near—already on the way down the Mount of Olives—the whole multitude of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” And some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” He answered, I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”



  • Did you have a “rebellious stage” in your life? When was this?





  • How much time was Paul able to spend in Thessalonica (see Acts 17:2)?
  • How might this have affected their willingness to believe rumors about Christ’s return?



  • What information can we gather about the man of lawlessness from this passage?
  • Why do you think God would allow the lawlessness one to deceive people?
  • What are the marks of the coming of the lawless one?



  • How and why will God save His people?
  • What are people to do in response to this passage?



  • What do we need to do today to be morally alert?
  • What encouragement do you draw from verses 13-14?
  • Where do you most need encouragement and strength from God right now?



Message: Matthew 16:21-28


From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”



  • Considering your up-brining, what did your parents do well in raising you?
  • What punishments worked best? What rewards worked best?





  • What is the evidence that they are “worthy” of God’s kingdom?
  • Why is God waiting to punish the persecutors? Who is benefiting from this delay in justice?
  • How do you feel about the punishments listed (verses 8-9)



  • What quality do you think Paul admires most in these Christians?
  • What is the effect of Paul’s thanksgiving and prayer?
  • How would you put Paul’s prayer into your own words?



  • How will you exercise faith and love this week in some specific way or relationship?
  • Which of your current struggles are the effect of your faith in Christ?



MESSAGE: Paul’s Instructions [1 Thessalonians 5:12-24]


APPLY: What is God calling you to do or to change in your life today?


LIVE: How can you better serve within and beyond The Church?


PRAY: God of peace, I invite You to sanctify me through and through. Holy Spirit, teach me and strengthen me to keep my spirit, soul, and body blameless until the coming of the Lord Jesus. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Amen.



  • Where is one of the most beautiful places you have ever been?
  • What impressed you about it?





  • How does John describe what He sees in this vision? 
  • What do you think would be the most amazing part of this?
  • What is the significance of the white robes and palm branches?



  • When the multitude cry out, how do the angels, elders, and four living creatures respond?
  • What does all of this reveal about God, His kingdom, and Jesus’ sacrifice?



  • What qualifies the white-robed multitude to stand before God?
  • What is the role of this white-robed multitude?



  • What is your greatest tribulation or persecution right now?
  • How can you best incorporate this glimpse of heaven into your spiritual and earthly walk?



MESSAGE: New Beginning (Revelation 21:1-7)


KNOW: Your pathway to a new beginning begins and ends with Jesus – who was and is the beginning and the end.


APPLY: Your new beginning with Jesus can begin today.


LIVE: Receive the salvation that only Jesus offers. Testify to the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. Celebrate the eternal future you have.


PRAY: Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb. Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God forever and ever. Amen! [Revelation 7:10, 12]


HAVE SOMEONE READ Revelation 12:7-11

  • What resonated with you from this weekend's message?





  • How are belief, love, obedience, and life interconnected in this section?
  • Using these four key concepts, how would you explain to someone what being a Christian is all about? 


HAVE SOMEONE READ 1 John 2:16, 3:13, and 5:19

  • How is the world described? What resonates with you from these verses?



  • Who's is "the victory" that has overcome the world? What does this mean?


Using the "love test" of verse 1 (to love God is to show love to his children), how are you doing at loving God?


Using the test from verses 2-3 (to love others means to obey God's com-mands), how are you doing at loving others?


What has convinced you that true life is found in Jesus?


What further "proof" do you need? 


What "idols" of the world today tempt you away from steadily following Jesus?


What is one major thing you need to do to better overcome and testify of Jesus?


How do you need God to help you right now?



MESSAGE: Overcame (Revelation 12:7-11, 1 John 5:1-5)


KNOW: Christ is victorious. And, through Him, we are victorious too.


APPLY: We overcome – conquer and prevail – by the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony.


LIVE: Testify to the goodness and grace of Jesus this week.


PRAY: Jesus, with You I am victorious. Grant me to confidence to live as an overcomer and conqueror in You. Jesus, remind me that You have victory over sin and Satan, strengthen me and teach me to turn temptations into triumph and trials into testimonies. Amen.


As a child, what homemade gifts did you give your family? As a parent, which homemade have you revceived?


Did your ever suspect your parents of having "favorites" among your siblings? Why?





  • Since God accepts both animal and grain sacrifices (Lev 6:14-30), why do you think God rejects Cain's sacrifice?
  • Consider and discuss the following responses to the above question;
    • Only a blood sacrifice could cover sin and guilt (Leviticus 4-6)
    • Cain had a bad attitude or lack of faith (Hebrews 11:4; 1Jn 2:9-11)
    • Cain's offering didn't mean anything to him (Isaiah 1:10-20)
    • Cain's offering did not embody social righteousness (see Amos 5:21-24)
  • Where might God be looking on your life with favor? 

    Where might God be looking at your life with disfavor?



  • God tells Cain to "do what is right", what does this passage reveal about anger?
  • How would you assess your anger and the way you handle anger?



  • After the murder of Abel, why do you think God approaches Cain as he does?
  • Are you your "brother's keeper"? How so? How would you assess the level of  "keeping" you do?


HAVE SOMEONE READ Genesis 4:10-12

  • Why do you think God delayed Cain's punishment?


HAVE SOMEONE READ Genesis 4:13-16

  • Why do you think God protected Cain as He did?
  • Why was Cain punished? (a) Wrong sacrifice? (b) Hateful attitude? (c) Murderous act? (d) Failure to master sin? (e) Attempt to cover up sin?
  • Did Cain repent of his sin? How does his confession (vv.13-14) and the Lord's reply (vv.15-16) shed light on this? 


Are there any areas of anger or sin that you need to confess and repent of?

How do you need God to help you right now?



MESSAGE: Anger (Genesis 4:1-9, James 4:17)


KNOW: God is pleased with you.


APPLY: Are you bringing your very best to God? Are you angry? Are you ashamed? Are you your brother’s/sister’s keeper?


LIVE: Submit to God. Resist the devil.


PRAY: Father God, thank You for creating me and loving me. Help me to know the depth of Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy. Holy Spirit, convict me of any sin, confront me in moments of anger, and counsel me in times of shame. Jesus, reveal Your love to me so that I might love others as You have first loved me. Amen.


What food (or type of food) do you find especially tempting? What keeps you from eating an abundance of this food? 




HAVE SOMEONE READ: Genesis 3:1-7

  • Who is this serpent: Real creature? Mythical symbol? Or what? 
  • Which portion of the serpent's statements (1,4,5) are true and which are false?
  • Why do you think the serpent mixes the truth with lies? 
  • How might someone fall prey to the question, "Did God really say...?"
  • Why do you think Adam eats the fruit? Could he have resisted?
  • Do you think Adam is more, or less, responsible than Eve? Why?


HAVE SOMEONE READ: Genesis 3:11-24

  • How do the punishments reflect varying degrees of guilt?
  • Which punishments would have been most difficult for Adam? For Eve? For you?
  • Why would God allow Adam and Eve to fail when tempted? What does this say about God? What does this say about what he wants from us?

From this story, how would you define sin and its consequences?


Where in this story do you find any good news? 



  • Do you want to experience freedom from shame and sin?
  • Do you believe it’s possible to experience freedom?
  • Do you believe this freedom comes through Jesus Christ?
  • What’s keeping you from experiencing freedom?

How can this group help you to experience more freedom from shame and sin?

How do you need God to help you?



MESSAGE: Covering (Genesis 3:21, 1st John 2:1-2, Romans 6:22, 7:21-25, 13:14)


KNOW: A covering for shame and sin is required. But we cannot make or manufacture this covering ourselves. Only one covering for shame and sin is significant and sufficient enough.


APPLY: Do you want to experience freedom from shame and sin? Do you believe it’s possible to experience freedom? Do you believe this freedom comes through Jesus Christ? What’s keeping you from experiencing freedom?


LIVE: Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.


PRAY: Jesus, I belong to You. Cover me now. Cover my shame. Cover my sin. Jesus, I acknowledge You as the only sufficient – full and complete – sacrifice that leads to salvation. Jesus, I invite You to clothe me. I commit my way to You. I submit my will to You. In You I pray, Jesus. Amen.



What time of day are you most creative? What time of day are you most efficient?


If you could create a new animal, what would it be like? What would be its most important feature? What would you call it?




READ: Genesis 1:1-3


There is a pattern throughout the first chapter of Genesis; God said. God called. God saw. (God created and it was. God named His creation. God pronounced it good.) What does this pattern tell you about the order of creation? Its author? Its purpose? Its goodness? Its completeness?


READ: Genesis 1:26


What does it mean to you to be created in God's image? Does knowing - and focusing on this truth - this make you feel about yourself? How does this affect your relationship with God? With other people?


READ: John 1:1-3


What does John 1:1-3 add to your perception of Genesis 1:1-3 and 1:26? What is Christ's role in creation? And how does Genesis help you appreciate the nature and work of Christ? 


Why do you think the Bible tells us that God created but does not tell us exactly how he created? What does this tell you about the relative importance of the who and how of creation?


READ: Romans 1:20-25 and Hebrews 11:1-3


What should be our response to God's self-revelation in the created order? What are the consequences for refusing to praise the Creator?


How aware are you of the created world in your everyday life? What do you find most remarkable about it? How does it affect your opinion of God? 


How does this story of creation affect the way you treat the land, water, plants and animals in God's world? 


Given Genesis 1, how would you counter the gnostic who believes that only the soul matters, as the human body and material things are non-spiritual? How would you counter the atheist who believes that we are the product of "chance plus time plus energy"? How would counter the one who reads the daily horoscope, believing that the position of sun, moon and stars ordain our personality and fate?


How can this group help you better value and appreciate God and His creation?

How do you need God to help you?



MESSAGE: Fear (Genesis 1:27-31, 2:15-17, 3:1-10)


KNOW: Shame can lead you to freedom or it can lead you to fear.


APPLY: Where are you? Where are you dealing with shame? Where do you turn with your shame?


LIVE: What are you experiencing? What are you feeling? What is your reality? What will you do?


PRAY: Father, thank You for Your grace spoken into my life. Thank You, God, that Your grace extends to me when I am underserving. Holy Spirit, help me to overcome shame through Your power in me. That I may experience an unencumbered unity with You and live free of shame through You. Amen.


As a child, did you have a cat or a dog [or another pet of some kind]?


How did your cat/dog respond when it heard your voice or when it saw you?

What did this response reveal about your pet?

How did your pet's response [or lack of response] make you feel?


We are going to talk about listening for and listening to the voice of God.

Do you find it easy to discern the voice of God in your life?

Are their circumstances or situations that make it more difficult to discern God's voice?




READ: John 10:1-6


What do the sheep, the shepherd, and the stranger represent in this passage? 

What is the relationship between the sheep and the shepherd?

How does the shepherd tend to the sheep?

How do the sheep respond to the shepherd? How do the sheep respond to the stranger?

How do you make sure that you are able to discern Jesus' voice from the stranger's?

How can you help others to better discern Jesus' voice from the stranger's?


READ: John 10:7-10


What does Jesus meaning by likening Himself to the gate for the sheep?

How is He unlike the thieves and the robbers who come in?

In this context, who are the thieves and the robbers?

How do you guard against thieves and robbers entering your presence?

How can you help other "sheep" from being stolen, killed, or destroyed?


READ: John 10:14-15


Why does Jesus identify Himself as the "good shepherd"? What does this mean?

How does what Jesus said here relate to what He said in verse 10?


READ: John 10:16-18


Who are the "other sheep" that he must bring also?

What characterizes Jesus' flock?


How do you discern the voice of Jesus - "the good shepherd" - from the voice of the stranger, the thief, and so many other voices in our world today?


On Sunday we considered shame, temptation, and sin. How might this passage help you - and those around you - to better guard against shame, temptation, and sin?


How can this group help you better discern and obey God's voice?

How do you need God to help you as you strive to listen for and listen to His voice?



MESSAGE: Shame (Genesis 2:16-17, 3:1-7, John 10:10)


Healthy Shame: “I have done something that goes against my core values and beliefs, and I feel bad about it.” [guilt]


Toxic Shame: “I am inherently flawed and defective and therefore unworthy of being loved or belonging.” [shame]


KNOW: The enemy will entice you with desire, entrap you with deception, ensnare you in shame, and enslave you to sin.


APPLY: Where are you dealing with shame? Where do you turn with your shame?


LIVE: Assess, acknowledge, admit, and address your shame.


PRAY: Almighty God, You have created me in Your perfect image. You have made me in your holy likeness. You know me fully and You love me deeply. Holy Spirit, strengthen me against the tricks and traps of the evil one and encourage me when I feel overcome by shame and temptation. Jesus, guide me to freedom in You. Amen.


What is something that you did or that you experienced growing up that embarrassed you or embarrassed someone around you? 


In what ways are embarrassment and shame similar? In what ways are they different?


How might an embarrassing moment lead to ongoing shame in someone's life?


Do you understand the difference between healthy shame and toxic shame (guilt)?


How do you guard against toxic shame in your own life?




READ: Isaiah 53:2-11


Who is Isaiah writing about in this passage? What stands out to you from this passage?


READ: Isaiah 54:1


Singleness and barrenness were causes of shame among women in these days. What conditions, circumstances, or situations seem to bring shame upon people today? 


READ: Isaiah 54:2-3


Through the prophet Isaiah God was calling the Israelites to prepare for a time of great blessing. How do these verses relate to what is recorded in Isaiah 53? How might we be called to prepare today?


READ: Isaiah 54:4-5


What names and titles of God are used in these verses? How might you summerize these verses in your own words? How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence?


READ: Isaiah 54:10, 17


How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence? How might these verses help you to better guard against shame in your life? What steps can you take to help equip, empower, and encourage others as they guard against shame in their life?


How can this group help you better guard against toxic shame in your life? How do you need God to help you overcome feelings of guilt and shame right now?



MESSAGE: No Shame (Genesis 2:8-10, 15-18, 21-25)


KNOW: You are made in the image and likeness of God to be free of shame.

  • Healthy Shame: “I have done something that goes against my core values and beliefs, and I feel bad about it.” [guilt]
  • Toxic Shame: “I am inherently flawed and defective and therefore unworthy of being loved or belonging.” [shame]


APPLY: Where are you dealing with shame in your life?


LIVE: Assess, acknowledge, admit, and address your shame.


PRAY: Father God, You have created me in Your perfect image. You have made me in your holy likeness. You know me fully and You love me deeply. I acknowledge these truths today. Help me, God, as I deal with guilt and shame in my life; that I would know the difference and that I would live in confidence and assurance with You. Amen.


What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?



MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?




What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?




What is something that you did or that you experienced growing up that embarrassed you or embarrassed someone around you? 


In what ways are embarrassment and shame similar? In what ways are they different?


How might an embarrassing moment lead to ongoing shame in someone's life?


Do you understand the difference between healthy shame and toxic shame (guilt)?


How do you guard against toxic shame in your own life?




READ: Isaiah 53:2-11


Who is Isaiah writing about in this passage? What stands out to you from this passage?


READ: Isaiah 54:1


Singleness and barrenness were causes of shame among women in these days. What conditions, circumstances, or situations seem to bring shame upon people today? 


READ: Isaiah 54:2-3


Through the prophet Isaiah God was calling the Israelites to prepare for a time of great blessing. How do these verses relate to what is recorded in Isaiah 53? How might we be called to prepare today?


READ: Isaiah 54:4-5


What names and titles of God are used in these verses? How might you summerize these verses in your own words? How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence?


READ: Isaiah 54:10, 17


How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence? How might these verses help you to better guard against shame in your life? What steps can you take to help equip, empower, and encourage others as they guard against shame in their life?


How can this group help you better guard against toxic shame in your life? How do you need God to help you overcome feelings of guilt and shame right now?




MESSAGE: No Shame (Genesis 2:8-10, 15-18, 21-25)


KNOW: You are made in the image and likeness of God to be free of shame.

  • Healthy Shame: “I have done something that goes against my core values and beliefs, and I feel bad about it.” [guilt]
  • Toxic Shame: “I am inherently flawed and defective and therefore unworthy of being loved or belonging.” [shame]


APPLY: Where are you dealing with shame in your life?


LIVE: Assess, acknowledge, admit, and address your shame.


PRAY: Father God, You have created me in Your perfect image. You have made me in your holy likeness. You know me fully and You love me deeply. I acknowledge these truths today. Help me, God, as I deal with guilt and shame in my life; that I would know the difference and that I would live in confidence and assurance with You. Amen.


What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?




What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?




What is something that you did or that you experienced growing up that embarrassed you or embarrassed someone around you? 


In what ways are embarrassment and shame similar? In what ways are they different?


How might an embarrassing moment lead to ongoing shame in someone's life?


Do you understand the difference between healthy shame and toxic shame (guilt)?


How do you guard against toxic shame in your own life?




READ: Isaiah 53:2-11


Who is Isaiah writing about in this passage? What stands out to you from this passage?


READ: Isaiah 54:1


Singleness and barrenness were causes of shame among women in these days. What conditions, circumstances, or situations seem to bring shame upon people today? 


READ: Isaiah 54:2-3


Through the prophet Isaiah God was calling the Israelites to prepare for a time of great blessing. How do these verses relate to what is recorded in Isaiah 53? How might we be called to prepare today?


READ: Isaiah 54:4-5


What names and titles of God are used in these verses? How might you summerize these verses in your own words? How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence?


READ: Isaiah 54:10, 17


How do these verses bring you encouragement or confidence? How might these verses help you to better guard against shame in your life? What steps can you take to help equip, empower, and encourage others as they guard against shame in their life?


How can this group help you better guard against toxic shame in your life? How do you need God to help you overcome feelings of guilt and shame right now?




MESSAGE: No Shame (Genesis 2:8-10, 15-18, 21-25)


KNOW: You are made in the image and likeness of God to be free of shame.

  • Healthy Shame: “I have done something that goes against my core values and beliefs, and I feel bad about it.” [guilt]
  • Toxic Shame: “I am inherently flawed and defective and therefore unworthy of being loved or belonging.” [shame]


APPLY: Where are you dealing with shame in your life?


LIVE: Assess, acknowledge, admit, and address your shame.


PRAY: Father God, You have created me in Your perfect image. You have made me in your holy likeness. You know me fully and You love me deeply. I acknowledge these truths today. Help me, God, as I deal with guilt and shame in my life; that I would know the difference and that I would live in confidence and assurance with You. Amen.


What, do you imagine, it would have been like when God spoke creation into existence? What might have happened in those moments? What might the earth looked like in the first days of creation? Where might God have been during creation?


Do you believe that God created the earth with mankind in mind? How does this make you feel?




READ: Ephesians 2:10


What does Paul mean when he states that we are "God's workmanship [handiwork]"? What does it mean that we are "created in Christ Jesus"? What "works" have we been created to do specifically? What does it mean that God "prepared in advance for us to do" them?


READ: Ephesians 2:1-10


What does it mean to be "dead in sin"? What caused this? Are we still "dead in sin" today?


Why must God take the initiative to give life? How does God take the initiative to give us life? What does this experience of gaining life look like [unpack verses 5-7]?


What is the relation between wrath and grace [verses 3-4]?What is the relation between grace and works [verses 8-10]? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard these terms or known the truth of Jesus before?


Do you understand and accept that you are God's workmanship - that you have been created in His perfect image? Do you live with this confidence and assurance? What, specifically,  do you believe God has prepared for you to be and to do?


Spiritually, do you feel dead or alive?


How can this group help you understand and accept who God has made you to be and what he has prepared for you to be and to do? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Perfection (Genesis 1:1-31)


KNOW: In the beginning God created. And it was good.


APPLY: You are made in the image of God to live, to rule, and to inherit His perfect creation.


LIVE: Consider God’s creation. Consider what is good and what is no longer good. And consider your role is restoring perfection.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for creating me in your image. Thank you for entrusting me to live and rule in Your perfect creation. God, I praise You and seek the presence and power of Your Spirit as I wait for the day I inherit Your Kingdom through Jesus. Amen.


How might you describe Christian fellowship? What would koinoinia look like within The Church? What do we need to do - as a local church - to lead and build a spirit of koinonia? How can you assist in koinonia?




READ: Ephesians 4:1-6


What problems do you think Paul was most concerned about in Ephesus at the time?


What qualities ought to characterize a "life worthy of the calling" (see verse 2)? What might happen when believers live out these qualities  in their lives? How does each quality promote unity? Of the qualities listed in verse 2, which one needs to be developed most in your life?


READ: Ephesians 4:11-16


What is the purpose of the various gifts?


What are the differences between the unity that already exists (vs. 3-6) and that which is still to come (vs. 13-16)?


Considering this passage, what is the problem with living the Christian life apart from the Church? In what ways do you need others? What strength can you give to others?


How can this group help you discover, develop, and use your gifts? How do you need God to help you in this?




MESSAGE: Koinonia (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:42-42)


KNOW: Koinonia is the abiding bond and connection between people given by the communitive presence of the Holy Spirit.


APPLY: The Spirit of Jesus in me greets the Spirit of Jesus in you.


LIVE: Repair strained bonds and reconcile broken connections through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Jesus, thank you for Your Spirit in me and thank You for the gift of koinonia to us. Holy Spirit, do what only You can do to strengthen and repair strained relationships and reconcile brokenness. Holy Spirit, abide within us as Your Church. Amen.


DISCUSS: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you? What can the Spirit of Jesus do in us?


READ: Acts 9:1-19


Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul's companions.


How do you think Saul felt when he was confronted by Jesus (verses 4-6)?


Given Saul's previous activities, what might Saul have been thinking during his three days of blindness and fasting?


How would you have felt in Ananias' place? Why might God have sent Ananias since Jesus had already appeared to Saul on the road? 


What is significant about the way Ananias addresses Saul?


How did the Lord first get your attention?


Has anyone been an Ananias in your life?


Are there any people that you might assume are beyond God's reach for salvation in Jesus or transformation through His Spirit?


MESSAGE: The Spirit of Jesus in Me (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 2:17-18)


CONSIDER: What can the Spirit of Jesus do in you?


APPLY: Have you received the spirit of Jesus?


LIVE: Be filled with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


PRAY: Holy Spirit, fill me today. Fill me with hope. Fill me with love. Fill me with joy. Fill me with peace. Fill me with truth. Fill me with boldness. Fill me with power. Fill me with everything You desire. I submit myself to You, God. I commit myself to You, Jesus. Amen.


DISCUSS: What the Holy Spirit has done in your life and in the lives of those around you.


READ: Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-12


What reason for Jesus' birth does Matthew give?


Why was Jesus' virgin birth necessary? 


Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem? 


How have you experienced Jesus as Emmanuel in your life lately? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Salvation (Luke 2:1-7)


KNOW: Jesus wants to SAVE you and He wants to SEND you.


APPLY: Receive the salvation that comes through Jesus.


LIVE: Allow Jesus to send you out.


PRAY: Jesus, I receive the salvation that comes through You. Holy Spirit, fill my life with hope. Fill my mind with peace. Fill my heart with joy. And fill my soul with love. God, I celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas and I commit to being sent for Your good and Your glory. Amen.


DISCUSS: How are you sharing the gifts of Jesus – hope, peace, joy, and love, with others right now?



READ: 1 John 4:7-21


What can we learn about the origin of love? ...about its connection and relationship to God?


How can love be suppressed? How can love be made complete, or perfected?  


What can we learn about the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit? What can we learn about their relationship to us?


In your life, when has perfect fear driven out love? When has God's love cast out fear?


How can you put the sacrificial love of Christ into action this week leading to Christmas? 


MESSAGE: Sent to Sing of Love (Luke 1:46-55)


KNOW: Jesus’ love changes our position, our priorities, and our purpose


APPLY: Who in your life needs to know and experience God’s love?


LIVE: Share Christ’s love. Then pray for and with someone this week.


PRAY: Loving God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for desiring to bless me and do great things through me. Thank You for Jesus, who came into our world as an expression of Your love for us. God, help me to embrace Your love and to share Your love with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: Who you are sharing Christ’s love with and how you are sharing His love.



READ: Philippians 4:10-13


How might you describe "the joy of the Lord" to someone?


Have you experienced the Holy Spirit filling you with joy? What were your circumstances?  


How can we express love and concern to others in ways that will encourage joy?


In what way do you need God - and others - to strengthen and encourage you right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Bring Joy (Luke 1:5-45)


KNOW: The Holy Spirit in you is the source of joy.


APPLY: Do you live with the joy of the Holy Spirit?


LIVE: Bring joy to someone by sharing how God has accomplished what He said He would do in your life.


PRAY: Almighty God, I praise You for your faithfulness. Thank You for remembering Your promises and accomplishing what You say You will do. Holy Spirit, I want more of You in my life. Fill me with a joy that comes from You. Overflow from me, that I may share Your joy with others. Amen.


DISCUSS: How has God been good and remained faithful to you?


READ: Philippians 4:4-9


How can we rejoice in the midst of hardships, trouble, conflict, or confusion?


Which comes first, the peace of God in our lives or our willingness to submit to Him in the midst of fear, anxiety, conflict, and confusion? 


How would you explain God's peace to someone who has never known or experienced it for themselves? 


What area of life are you most in need of God to bring peace right now?


MESSAGE: Sent to Speak Peace (Luke 1:28-38)


KNOW: The peace of God is a state of complete harmony and freedom from anxiety in the midst of conflict and confusion.


APPLY: Are you experiencing the peace of God in your life right now?


LIVE: Be filled with the peace of God so that you can share the peace of God.


PRAY: God, my faith and my hope rests in You alone. Lord, would You fill me with joy and peace as I learn to better trust in You. Father, where I am facing conflict and experiencing confusion, would you flood my mind, my heart, and my life with peace so that I may be bring peace to all those that I encounter this season. Amen.


DISCUSS: Is anything getting in the way of you sharing God’s peace right now?



READ: Romans 15:13


What does "the God of hope" mean? Do you know God in this way? What evidence, from Scripture or your life, illustrates this?


How are you learning to trust God more?


How are you being filled with joy and peace?


What does it mean to overflow with hope?


MESSAGE: Sent to Announce Hope (Luke 1:26-28)


KNOW: You cannot see your purpose – know our direction – or experience your destination without hope.


APPLY: To be sent requires a purpose, a direction, and a destination


LIVE: Announce hope to someone this next week.


PRAY: Almighty God, thank You for the high favor that You show to me. God, thank you for creating my life with a purpose. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my days with direction. Jesus, thank you for providing a destination for my soul. Help me to receive Your truth. And send me today to announce hope in You. Amen.


DISCUSS: The various ways you are announcing hope to those around you.




What does Scripture say?

What does Scripture mean?

   SERVE TOGETHER implementation


What will you do about it?

How will you live it out?



How do you need God to help?

How can we pray for/with you?